Addresses the larger issue of gender bias within our culture and 5 things you can do today to help.
Addresses the larger issue of gender bias within our culture and 5 things you can do today to help.
List of resources to help curb sexual harassment in the workplace
Perspectives and advice from a Female Founder and 500 Startups Alum.
27 Actions You Can Take to Support Women, Cassie Devine, BizDev @Intuit – Cassie curated an excellent list of initiatives and resources that support women in tech
Analysis of the VC culture that perpetuates “VC Creeps” and reccomendations on how to fix it.
Techstars shares how they handle conflict reporting internally
How to use the Law to Combat VC Sexual Harassment in addition to informal means of protecting founders from investor sexual harassment.
Ways to accelerate the inclusion of women founders in venture capital
30 venture capitalists are drafting a “code of conduct” for members of the industry that will set clear standards for unacceptable behavior—such as sexual harassment of founders—and will outline penalties for violators.
How I deal with sexual harassment in tech, Gillian Morris, CEO @Hitlist